2021 The Year Of Change

Arethea Brooks
3 min readJan 4, 2021

We have now entered the Age of Aquarius! Exciting right? I hope so since we have had a hell of a 2020 year. I hope 2020 tweaked, corrected, and adjusted your vision in a way that you see clearly for 2021 because this year is all about change. Let’s dissect this for a moment… 2021 if you add together it equals 5. When you see the number 5 you associate that with change, I mean I do and a lot of numerologists do as well. We have come to the conclusion that 2021 is the year of change. The type of change I am referring requires that nothing is off limits, any and everything can change for you. However, how you approach change is what will dictate your experiences. In this blog post we will look at ways you can facilitate change in your life so that you don’t feel dragged by the universe. Let’s get started.

Devote Yourself to a Spiritual Practice

This does not require something elaborate. It can simply be you taking 10 minutes a day to log your thoughts. You can also take an online healing course delivered by your favorite spiritual teacher.

Get Serious About Your Fitness

Again, this does not have to be elaborate. Taking an online fitness class from an instructor you find agreeable. You can also go for a run in the park a couple of times a week for 20 minutes.

Change Your Residence

This is more on the elaborate side of things. If you are unhappy with the address you reside at, or the neighborhood, it is about time you start making other arrangements. Maybe instead of sharing living space you decide to branch out and get your own place in a respectable neighborhood that caters to your needs.

Let Go Of Relationships That Aren’t Working

Sometimes this can be hard considering you may have invested some time into a person. If you find that there are some relationships that have been lagging or disappointing in any way, it is time to address them by opting out. Start Investing in the relationships that are working, and think about expanding your circle.

It’s Time For A New Diet

Perhaps you visited the doctor or noticed that some foods don’t work well with your body. Start clearing out the refrigerator of things you know that aren’t supportive of your health. Sit down and create a grocery list that is supportive, fun, and filled with delicious meals.

Step Up Your Career Game and Become a Boss/Boss Babe

If you are tired of the same old career and know exactly what you would rather be doing, and know the path to get it then it’s time to consider dropping that 2020 year job. Set some time out, maybe and hour before you go to bed, and start planning your new career path. Don’t forget to dress the part too.

Your Bank Account Needs An Adjustment

Okay, while you are on your way to being filthy rich it’s time to start thinking about putting some money aside. Make a plan every month to put some extra money aside in a no-touch savings plan. Find a savings plan that will earn you interest every year with required standards that hold you accountable.

Play More Worry Less

This sounds easy but is everything. The more you learn to love your life by indulging in playful experiences the more the universe delivers to you more ways to play and enjoy. This can be as simple as taking yourself out to dinner or a game of mortal combat on your PS5.

Now that you have all the tools to level up and create change for this 2021 year I expect great things from you the following years to come. No excuses, because as a member of Essentials To A Journey Family we hold you accountable. However, if you have not already subscribed to be a member of the Essentials To A Journey Family what could you possibly be waiting for, go subscribe boss/boss babe. As I always leave you, I hope this helps.

-Peace, light, and much love,




Arethea Brooks

Actress, writer, blogger in regard to mental, physical and spiritual well-being.